
Et c'est un peu pareil pour la fidélité: si on prétend qu'un flirt, un baiser n'est rien, c'est parce qu'on veut pouvoir s'amuser sans aucun reproche. Pourtant, penser ainsi, c'est faire preuve d'une absence totale d'empathie, se voiler la face. Parce que la vérité, c'est que personne ne le tolérerait de l'autre.
Alors voilà: et si le sexe n'était finalement rien d'autre que du sexe? Si coucher n'était pas pire qu'embrasser. Ou même juste envier? Si la vraie tromperie était émotionnelle? Car vouloir la personne, au moment précis où l'on flirte, c'est être émotionnellement détaché de l'autre. C'est se dire: je te veux..et si on..? rien qu'une fois..et si nous deux..?
Eh oui.. et si vous aviez trompé?
Seulement voilà. Nous aimons tous plaire. Et la flamme de la tentation attire. Être charmé par quelqu'un d'autre peut arriver. Malicieusement même. La question n'est donc pas tant de savoir si oui ou non infidélité il y a, mais plutôt de savoir jusqu'où l'accepter? .
La flamme est belle. Dansez. Jouez, mais.. prenez garde de ne pas vous brûler ;)

Voici pour ceux qui les auraient manqués, les 20 grands petits plaisirs selon M Magazine .. Simples. Purs. Et vrais.


"Even the biggest failure, even the worst, beats the hell out of never trying."That's why two weeks ago I had my first photo shoot..as a model. I study, practice sport, and I seriously think about any kind of opportunities coming out. No big deal to you..a step forward to me. So..here I come!



Juste pour achever le dernier post. Voilà j’ai effectivement renoncé à beaucoup de choses, si ce n’est à tout ce qui me tenait à coeur cette année. Musique, photo, cinéma, culture, passion des gens, tout y est passé. Tout ce qui faisait que j’étais…moi. Comme si j’avais oublié d’avancer. Rongé par la peur. La peur de perdre. Perdre la face, perdre ce(ux) que j’avais. Malheureusement, je n’ai rien évité. Bien au contraire, j’ai tout précipité. Alors voilà. Il est temps de reprendre cette fameuse liste des rêves à réaliser. LET’S EXPERIENCE!!!
Du changement. Voilà ce qu’il me faut.
Faire mes valises. Voilà ce que je pensais être bon.
Découvrir de nouvelles choses, de nouveaux gens, m’ouvrir au monde. voilà ce que je veux.
Mais Paris l’est aussi. Le Paris magique, le Paris des possibles. C’est là qu’est ma vie. Ma nouvelle vie. J’y suis, j’y reste ! Enfin, pour l’instant… ;)

Je ne veux pas disparaître. J'essaie même souvent de m'accrocher à vous. Maladroitement, difficilement. Malheureusement, je suis comme le vieux barbu sauvage dans les histoires qui, exilé toute sa vie dans la forêt, ne sait plus comment être en société. Ne connaît plus les règles de vie entre humains. Voilà je suis cet homme. Un sauvage. Ce qui explique mon incapacité totale à obtenir les relations que je désire. J'ai du mal à exprimer mon attachement, simplement, sans que cela vire à la catastrophe. Ou, au mélodrame.

Il me plaît parce qu'il me fascine.
Il me fait du bien sans même le savoir.
Je ne le connais pas, pour lui je n'existe même pas. Et pour la première fois ça ne me fait rien.
Il ne me consièdre pas avec envie et c'est mieux comme ça.
C'est tout à fait comme ça que je le voulais.

J'aime les céréales toutes molles à cause du lait,
Les étincelles me font peur,
J'aime les compliments même s'ils me gênent,
Et la lumière me fascine.
Je pleure devant les films et je veux pouvoir aimer,
Quand j'étais pti' jcroyais être magique,
et Oui-Oui était une fille.
Je veux une vie simple et je tiens à TOI.

"Droit devant soi, on ne peut pas aller bien loin."

He indeed assumes that everything you do -or at least a host of them- are bound to repeat, as if a buckle had to be done. a circle to be closed. a cycle to be complete. And I start thinking that's the way it goes for love too.

Who are the strong people around us? Have you ever thought about that? Well, a friend of mine told me about the ones he calls the "Muhammad Alis". A self-speaking image, isn't it? These ones who never seem to care about public opinion. Just like our famous boxer. Yeah he's kind of a role model for him. The embodiment of self-confidence. Faith. Freedom. Strength. No matter what people say.
"If he wanted or planed to do something. Then he just did it! "
So you can easily understand how surprised and amused I was when he told me he had first considered me as one of them. Me. The poor little guy who's afraid not to be loved. Who's always been scared to be..himself.
At that moment, I understood how big the gap can be between the way people see you, and the way you really are. He saw strength where I saw cowardice. Image is such a powerful thing, don't you think? A mere illusion, that can hide the wolf behind the lamb's cover and urge you not to get the angel back from the devil. That little trick that can make you look like a strong guy to your people, when in fact you're just..you.
The first thought that pulled through when my friend told me that was that even Muhammad Ali might doubt too. That’s what I reciprocated.
“Ali, the strong man, is the only part you can see. You don’t see when he’s just Muhammad.”
Yesterday when enjoying a big and tasty Deluxe - probably the 8th wonder of the world I guess- I looked at my gay colleague who I was having a dinner with. He’s cool. I love that guy. He’s kind of queen, see? Some fragile and fancy guy you’d be afraid to leave in the jungle for a minute. He had just made me laugh, embarrassed for whistling for fun at a waiter who actually heard him, when it suddenly hit me. He was one of them. A Muhammad Ali. Sure he first appears as a shallow person, some sort of a gay cliché. Still, he's completely accepted himself and doesn’t care about what people could say. Though he probably doubts and hurts sometimes, he’s Ali when he needs to. That may be what real strength is.
So don't you please let the image blind you.


"Hey. no concern of the site but, weren't you from that highschool?"
"Oh my God! Louis! Pierre's brother! Louis is Gay!! Oh that's too big".
"Ok Tom, listen. You don't know where it's gonna lead us, and I'm ok with this. I
like you, and I want to see you again, definitely. But I won't see you
this way ten times again..like we were friends."
That's how perfection started fading away. I've seen him a couple of times so far and everytime it was the same. Everything begins really nicely. No ice cream. But laugh. and smile. Until the moment he wants more. Way more. Until the time kissing is not enough. Until cuddling is not enough.
He was falling in love with me, I suppose.. But I just couldn't.
And then came the moment he couldn't stand it anymore. A phone call -which is by the way, the worst way to tell people something important, so guys, would you please understand it's really rude and weak, just giving a call to tell serious things!!-. Anyway, let's go back to my point. Signs. and seed. Thing is, he called on me to confess he couldn't bear this situation anymore. To tell me that, if it was OK to feel lost after ending up a relationship with someone you loved, still, I had to be honest with people. With myself. To tell me that, no matter what I say, when you're interested in someone, you just know it. I can't help hearing his words again and again.
"you know whether the small seed is already within. Or whether it's not."
Sure, I replied with some of my great sentences, as always, not to admit he was right. To make him understand it was not that easy. Not so clear. Not everytime. Not when you're still in love. But deep down I know it was. I know Louis was right. The small seed. It's all about that. The image was perfect: the sign. this tiny little spark. You know when it's there. Well actually you don't know it. You feel it.
Truth is, I always wanted not to be callous with people. To respect them. So maybe I should start being honest with myself:
It's a wonder how strong love can be. It's got the power to make attractive people invisible to you, so that you're able to desire the one you love only. And yet, I must admit you always know when someone has the potential to seduce you, even though nothing could happen for the moment. You know if (s)he's got the small seed within.

Il m’a quitté parce que je me suis égaré. Parce que je n’arrivais pas à avancer.
Il m’a quitté parce que j’oubliais l’essentiel. Parce que je devais comprendre.
Il m’a quitté parce que je ne savais pas l’aimer.
Il m’a quitté sans même se retourner.
Il m’a quitté et j’ai su me retrouver.
Il m’a quitté et en cela, il m’a aidé.
Il m’a quitté et ça fait chier mais… Merci.

Or maybe some mistakes need to be done. Would experience be the only path to wisdom?
I first intended to introduce myself telling you why I felt the need to write this blog on. But eventually, this song definitely sums my thought up.
..Plus, I want to make sure you won't miss such a great song! So relax. And listen.
"On My Own Time (Write On!)"
[verse 1]
I wish I could unzip my skin and take it off
Just to take a walk but I can’t do it
I don’t think I’ll make it on my own (on my own)
As when I take out my pen
and I wage it all, turn the page and fall
It just comes natural
I'm gonna make it on my own (on my own)
I just need time to walk it off,
but I can’t do it
I’ll write it on my own time
Hey look I made it on my own (on my own)
I know she thinks that I don’t try, but I realize that I can do better
Write, write on [4x]
Makin’ a mess as I progress
No time to cry about it, do better
Write, write on [2x]
[verse 2]
I wrote the greatest lines at the strangest times
Now it's payin’ off, but I still feel lost
Cuz I can’t do it
I don’t think I’ll make it on my own (on my own)
So in between now it pacifies
I change my name to free, but she feels safe to me
So I’m livin’ dangerously
I’m gonna make it on my own (on my own)
I just need time to walk it off,
but I can’t do it
I’ll write it on my own time
Hey look I made it on my own (on my own)
I know she thinks...
But I realize that I can do better
Write, write on [4x]
Makin’ a mess as I progress
No time to cry about it, do better
Write, write on [4x]
Write on, write it on your own time (write, write on)
Write on, write it on your own time (write, write on)...